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8 y

team Monsters

8 y

Niuchacz. Ex petty gangster. Did a stretch for drug dealing even. Fell into a black hole and came out a cop. Prefers tap dancing.

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Baron Baleron. The workaholic. Greatly successful career, private life nonexistent. Biggest Uranus' plutonium mine proprietor.

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Rogal. Romantic and melancholic. Easily falls in love while its raining hydrochloric acid. Poetry writer.

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Profesor. Incorrigible womanizer. The gigolo. Lives at the expense of his companions provided they have tentacles. ​Once known under different name.

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Gluten. The vandal of creative spirit. Spraypainting planetoids. Face perception low.

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Kapitan.Teddy the Manipulator. Persuaded Yvonne to perform a star count. Able toxic relationships problem solver.

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Uchan. Survival fanatic. Believes in the interplanetary intelligent fungus' conspiracy. Lives in a bunker fattening his frog for a rainy day.

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Saren. The cosmoscout. Helps underdogs. Likes elderly ladies. Loves nature. Can build a bonfire in oxygen-deficient atmosphere.

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Sierścioń. Moults.

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Boney. The prankster. Coined the joke: "Jupiter, did u pit'er?" "Galactica" magazine Monster of the Year.

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Rękoczyn. Everybody's favourite mascot. Squealing funnily. Knows tricks, responds to commands in aldebaranian, defecates onto litter tray.

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Jeżotrąb. The artist. Chiefly into imaginary sculpting but sings in mind a bit. Flat Mars believer.

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DEFIAN. He supports the comets. Had his own TV show. He is addicted to methane.

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Bombon. Fled from his own shadow into the Kuiper Belt vicinity. Otherwise courageous. A glacier inventor.

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ROBOBOB. Cute but not too smart. Compensating lack of itellect with muscle power. Lifted Mercury once. Likes kids.