Snuggle font: Letter A

Letter A from Snuggle Font - a full alphabet of visual letters I created which stay together by settling into a warm position and kissing to keep its form. Hence the name.

A warm font by nature, Snuggle Font spreads warmth, humor, and a strong urge to kiss to all those who view it.

While creating the font, I did ponder quite a lot about kissing (as you can well imagine!) It is quite bizarre how the pressing of lips can seal such a strong bond between people…..and even letters! While some letters of the snuggle font kiss quite passionately, for others it is more of a limp lipped affair. Is there anything worse than a limp lipped kiss?! I think not!

If you know of anyone in need of a bit of Snuggle Font in their lives, feel free to share the love.

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